“We love our new bus, thank you Respect”
“Can we go to Tayto Park?”
“Is it real gold?”
These were some of the comments heard when Sr Zoe presented the keys of the new bus to Maureen Dunne, Service Manager of Weavers and Tofa Day Service Centres.
“We are all very excited today. This new bus will allow us greater access to community activities for so many of our Service Users who cannot avail of public transport” said Maureen. “Up to thirty people will use this bus each week and it will make a huge difference to their programmes in Day Services. New activities are already being planned.
Service Users, staff and parents are so grateful to Respect for their hard work in raising funds to buy this wonderful bus for Weavers and Tofa. Our thanks to Sr Zoe, her committee and most of all to the people who donate to Respect, we really appreciate your support and hard work”