DOCTRID Research

Doctrid was formed within Respect in 2010 to carry out research into the application of Assistive technology to Persons with Intellectual Disability. Research is central to the Mission of Respect and the challenge was to manage the administration and to meet fundraising targets to support Doctrid.

“For people without a disability technology makes life easier, for people with a disability technology makes things possible.”

Brian Harvey, Director of Research 2011-2018, DOCTRID


Research into Assistive Technology

Doctrid was overseen in the period 2013 – 2020 by a Director of Research programme manager a Management Board and a Scientific Advisory Board. Its work included administration and overseeing of the jointly EU funded ASSISID Programme  and the Hegarty Fellowships- a joint venture with Michigan State University.

Assistive technology includes a broad spectrum of low- and high-tech technologies, from walking sticks, frames and wheelchairs, to high-end hearing, vision, and computer-based communication devices.

Water SensorBig MAC SwitchIPad adaptations

DOCTRID sees assistive technology as an enabling tool to support people with ID and ASD to achieve a better quality of life. The aim is to inform policy, promoting research and development, and moving away from
the narrow perception of assistive technology as rehabilitative ‘aids and appliances’ for a patient.

Despite assistive technology being worth an estimated €30bn in the European marketplace, there is a lack of evidence-based research into its development, impact and cost effectiveness. DOCTRID seeks to realise its huge potential.