I am delighted to tell you about our new Fundraising objective – PROJECT HAVEN. RESPECT is raising funds to support the build of a Children’s Respite House in Annacotty, Co. Limerick. The estimated cost of the project is in the region of €2m.
The Respite House will make a real difference to the lives of the children and families supported by AVISTA in the East Limerick and North Tipperary area. At present 32 families await overnight respite service with a wait time of over 2 years. Providing essential 24-hour nursing support, the new Respite House will provide a window of calm for families and will give the children a safe space where they can play, socialise, rest and sleep. Such things we take for granted but are out of reach for so many children with Intellectual Disabilities and complex needs, and the families who care for them.
I hope that you will support this ambitious project, which will bring practical help, along with joy and happiness to the children and families we support.
Thank You
Sr. Zoe. Killeen.